Here’s another post with some great old pictures by our friend Leslie. Her last Canadian story for Roadstories was about Yorkton, Saskatchewan. This one takes place in Manitoba. Interesting Fact: According to Wikipedia, West Hawk is the deepest lake in Manitoba at 115 metres or 360 feet. – Glenn
West Hawk Lake was a beautiful spot, in fact I remember it as a beautiful experience overall. West Hawk is one of those very deep, clear Canadian Shield lakes with huge rocky shores and forests of rugged trees behind them. We drove east along the Trans-Canada highway to the town of West Hawk, located in Whiteshell Provincial Park. From the town we turned up a two-lane road beside the lake which eventually became a gravel road and finally went down a hill to McDougall’s Landing.
In the summer a large number of boats were parked at the landing. We took our outboard motor in the car and attached it to the boat when we arrived. Then we took the boat along the rocky northern shore of the lake until we arrived at the dock at the back of the island where the cottage was located.
The back of the island was basically a tall rock face with a set of wooden steps built down to the dock. We could boat and waterski off the dock. In his teens my brother was a very good swimmer, and he loved to dive off the top of the rock. The water at the bottom was deep enough that he could do that with no danger of hitting the bottom.
Ours was one of several cottages located along the shore on the front of the island facing a wide, gorgeous view out across the lake. Here there was a rocky shore that sloped down and got deep only gradually. Non-swimmers and small children could wade in and enjoy the clear water, and we could scoop out pails of water to heat up on the wood stove to do the dishes. We could also wade in and clean up ourselves. But you had to keep an eye on the soap!
There was also a fish hatchery in the vicinity, and one summer we took a trip over to have a look. A visiting friend who worked for a suburban newspaper took a picture as we departed on our last trip of the year one summer, and published it with a nostalgic header. However, the end of summer didn’t always stop us. One year we heard that when West Hawk froze over for the winter, logging trucks would drive across it to bring out lumber cut in the summer. Well, if logging trucks could do it, so could we. So we drove up one winter day, enjoyed a fire in the fireplace, and spent the afternoon pulling a toboggan across the ice behind the car. It was Manitoba in the winter after all. And you can’t just sit around inside, no matter how cold it is!
Editor’s note: The automobile in the above picture is a 1958 FORD.
Politically correct statement: It is dangerous to tow a toboggan behind a two-tone ’58 Ford on a frozen Canadian lake. Those cars had no seatbelts, and people smoked in them.
Hey, really great blog post… I’ve enjoyed reading through your blog because of the great style and energy.
I actually work for the CheapOair travel blog. If you’re interested, we would love to have you on as a guest blogger. Please send me an e-mail: gchristodoulou(at)cheapoair(dot)com, and I can give you more information. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks to Leslie for posting these photographs. It’s refreshing to see a reality-check from the past, you can have FUN if you’re careful.
OMG! I grew up spending every summer at West Hawk Lake. I came across your blog doing research for a book I’m writing. Thank you SO MUCH for these memories.
Cool !! Do you still go? Glenn has really fond memories of West Hawk Lake too. I know of a fishing lodge on ON side called West Hawk Lake Lodge. Have u heard of it?
I am throwing this out there hopefully someone knows who they are!!! My family and i used to have a cabin in west hawk lake some years back. at least 12 years ago. When you pull into west hawk lake there a restaurant on the left hand size at that stop sign. right across that stop sign there is a gravel road and to entries towards cabin. The second entry is where my cabin was. I am trying to locate a man named don and his wife. They live with another couple named peter and his wife. Both wifes are twins. If any one can help me with there last name i would REALLY APPRECIATE IT! they used to be such good friends when we were younger and i would love to contact them again for chritmas i know theyd love to hear from us! last time i heard from them was at my moms funeral. Please help me out if you can 🙂 anything will help. They are originally from winnipeg,mb thanks!
You know if you call the Nighthawk restaurant they probably know as everyone who lives out there and run a business will know whom you mean. My inlaws ran the store there for years > 25, I am heading there this week and could ask her for you but, Sharon at the nighthawk might know as well.
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed your blog post, and photographs. Thank you, thank you thank you. I have my own blog that you can check out, I will post one of your pictures if thats alright?
The cottage above was purchased by my parents in 1967. It is still in the family. Such a small world.
My father Paul B Wrigglesworth and Paul Griffin built cottages across the lake from each other say 1958. As a kid we were in the water 24/7. As a kid, what’s cold? My father sold and we moved to Sacramento California/a Canadien to American. I know that the Griffins’ are still there. Do any of you know Gordon, Douglas, Lori, Janet Griffin? I plan a QUIET HONDA GOLD Wing trip next summer. Anyone have their address and/or know of them?
Thank you,
Capt. Garth D. Wrgglesworth